Life in Paradise on a Shoestring
The show is all about creating a Life You NEVER Need a Vacation From. (It’s ok if you still WANT to take Vacations) It’s designed to give you insights and wisdom to create your “somebody pinch me” reality. We share experiences, strategies and practical steps you can take to live your dream life in paradise. Listen and you’ll know that if you can dream it, You Can Achieve it
Life in Paradise on a Shoestring
The Art of Blooming Late
Do you ever find yourself thinking - or saying - "I'm too old to..." Is there an age where we cross the line and become “too old”? Is it smarter to just mark time until we die, instead of wanting a better life? If you're bold enough to say "heck no!" then you'll enjoy this inspirational episode. Dawn shares the stories of many "late bloomers" who found happiness and success later in life. We all evolve at different rates, but as long as we're still here - it's never too late for us to blossom!
Listen and you'll learn:
1. Why being miserable younger in life isn't such a bad sign.
2. How following what lights you up benefits the world, and you.
3. That age really isn't the barrier you think it is to getting what you want.
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