Life in Paradise on a Shoestring

How I Got My Sexy Back and Help Others Do It Too with Diana Devi

Dawn Fleming Season 5 Episode 140

When she was in her mid-fifties, Diana Devi started feeling like she was fading, almost like she was becoming invisible. She wasn’t sleeping well, didn’t have any energy,  was gaining weight and didn’t have the spring in her step OR a desire to do much of anything!  She felt she looked older than she should and was worried that the rest of her life was going to be like that. Old, fat and wrinkled, no longer valued at work and stuck with unsatisfying personal relationships.

She went to her doctor, thinking there had to be something physically wrong with her. After a thorough exam she was told there was nothing wrong with her, she was just getting older!  Shortly after, she encountered  an 80 year old woman celebrating her birthday at a local restaurant.  She was vibrant - laughing and having fun with her group  so engaged and fully enjoying herself.  Diana wanted to be that woman.

Diana wanted to live her own story on her own terms. She admired Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren, women who've aged in their industry – one that relies on looks and they have kept working on their terms … They have aged beautifully and not gotten old.

So with her 30+ years of medical experience as a pharmacist she read up on all the new  and exciting innovations in the medical field. She studied holistic methods and believes in treating the body as naturally as possible . She applied what she learned and Got Her Sexy BACK. So many people noticed the changes they started asking her for help.

So she launched An Ageless Life to share her lessons and knowledge with women like her who  are feeling old, have  lost confidence and/or feel invisible.  So they can get their Sexy Back!

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